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Guide To Uploading Wedding Photos & Videos

I know you’ve all got some amazing photos/videos and we really want to get a full-resolution copy!

Option 1: Burn the files to CD/DVD and send through the post

This is the preferred method as it allows you to send a large amount of data with minimum fuss. It does however require you to have a

CD/DVD Recorder available and blank media.

Address to send:

Mr & Mrs Kent
15B Clermont Terrace

We would also be pleased to meet up, if you’d rather hand over the CD/DVD in person.

Option 2: Upload to an FTP directory

If you have lots of files and a good broadband connection, then we have setup an FTP server for you to transfer your files to:

User: weddingphotos
Pass: alexandclaire

You need to use an FTP program to transfer files. I recommend filezilla which is a free download from:

There is about 5.5GB (5,632MB) of space on the server, but more is available so please contact us if you have more to upload.

You would need a particularly fast broadband connection (or a lot of time) to fill the server!

Once logged in, please make a directory with your name so the photos don’t get jumbled up.

Please send an email to: to say when you’ve finished uploading, so we can start the download our end.

Option 3: Email

If you’ve only got a few photos then you can send up to 20MB in one email to:

Options 4: Meet-up With Your Memory Card

Arrange a get together and we can copy the files direct from your device or memory card to our laptop.

We’ve still got lots of booze left over at our house!

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